The Eastern Michigan University School of Art and Design is proud to present our 2022 Faculty Show! This online exhibit will showcase the work done by instructors within the school. Click on the instructors’ name below to view their work in this exhibition.
Reception: September 14th, 4:30-6:30pm
Corrie Baldauf
Crossing Oregon at Dusk, Ink Drawing on Photograph
Crossing Oregon Light Distance in Orange, Ink Drawing on Photograph
John DeHoog
Cage Bridge, Wood
Constructor 2, Wood, Steel, Hardware
Jason DeMarte
Passion Plague, Pigmented Ink Print
Violet Consequence, Pigmented Ink Print
Mt. Gem and Gummy Worms, Pigmented Ink Print
Indulgent Aftermath, Pigmented Ink Print
Mystical Detachment, Pigmented Ink Print
Ryan English
Handmade, Wood, Plaster, Steel, PVC, Wiring, PLA
Handmade, Wood, Plaster, Steel, PVC, Wiring, PLA
Handmade, Wood, Plaster, Steel, PVC, Wiring, PLA
Handmade, Wood, Plaster, Steel, PVC, Wiring, PLA
Handmade, Wood, Plaster, Steel, PVC, Wiring, PLA
Jason Ferguson
Artifact, Digital Media
HOME-21-LAT42-LONG84-001, Resin
HOME-21-LAT42-LONG84-002, Resin
HOME-21-LAT42-LONG84-009, Resin
HOME-21-LAT42-LONG84-008, Resin
HOME-21-LAT42-LONG84-010, Resin
Chris Hyndman
Stancehappen 7 (Best Vote), Acrylic and Tissue Paper on Canvas
Stancehappen 6 (Shapemaker), Acrylic and Tissue Paper on Canvas
Stancehappen 5 (Blood Elevator), Acrylic and Tissue Paper on Canvas
Dustin London
Pocket Spells, Colored Pencil on Paper
Stories I Tell Myself, Colored Pencil on Paper
Caldera, Colored Pencil on Paper
Andrew Maniotes
Explore Eastern, Digital Output
Cam McComb
Remote Vantage Point, Digital Photography
Remote Inequity, Digital Photography
Remote Shit Show, Digital Photography
Going Remote, Digital Photography
Remote Calm, Digital Photography
Sandra Murchison
Lockstep, Relief Print on Fabric
After the Time, Relief Print on Fabric
Horton Bay, Relief Print on Fabric
Brian Nelson
Cloud With Downburst Microcell (Her Breathe for Delores), Fabricated and Welded Aluminium Rod Altered Oxygen Tank
Cloud With Downburst Microcell (Her Breathe for Delores), Fabricated and Welded Aluminium Rod Altered Oxygen Tank
Cloud With Downburst Microcell (Her Breathe for Delores), Fabricated and Welded Aluminium Rod Altered Oxygen Tank
Michael Reedy
Burn With Me, Mixed Media
Death of the Maiden, Mixed Media
Ojingeo, Mixed Media
Death of the Night, Mixed Media
Two For Mirth_Eight For a Wish, Mixed Media
Chris Reilly
Natural Ambivalences, Video
Still Life, Digital Photograph
Origin Story, Digital Photograph
Group Chat, Digital Photograph
Maria Ruggiero
Mementos for the Lost, Watercolor on Paper
Shrine, Watercolor on Paper
Stela with Glass Bird, Watercolor on Paper
Pairings and Divisions, Watercolor on Paper
Amy Sacksteder
Tomorrow Archive, Eighteen cut and collage inkjet print and gouache collages; found, artist-made, and commissioned objects and foraged Michigan clay objects, all on custom display table by Robotodd Industries.
What is Taken and What is Left Behind, spray paint, acrylic, and oil on canvas with found mirror and mica fragments, silver leaf and tape on magazine collage, and glazed stoneware
Curio, cut and collaged inkjet prints, gouache on paper
Gather, cut and collaged inkjet prints, gouache on paper
Pandemic Patina, oil, acrylic, and silver leaf on canvas and panel with earthenware forged from Michigan and found objects
Brian Spolans
I Will Take it all With Me, Ink and Acrylic on Paper
Our House, Ink and Watercolor on Paper
Safety is Our First Priority, Ink and Watercolor on Paper
We Do it For You, Ink and Watercolor on Paper