The Annual Juried Student Show, organized by the Intermedia Gallery Group Co-Presidents Allison Shearer and Travis Howell, is a showcase of undergraduate student work from Eastern Michigan University's School of Art and Design and is curated by an outside juror. Students in the show have a chance for a monetary award, which will be announced during the reception of the exhibition. This year’s juror was Osman Khan.
Osman Khan is a Detroit based artist interested in constructing artifacts and experiences for social criticism and aesthetic expression. His work plays and subverts the materiality behind themes of identity, home/land, social and public space through participatory & performative installations and site-specific interventions. He is currently an Associate Professor at the Penny W. Stamps School of Art & Design at the University of Michigan. Khan’s work has been shown at Massachusetts Museum of Contemporary Art (MASS MoCA); the Museum of Contemporary Art Detroit (MoCAD); the Shanghai Biennale; the Zero1 Festival, San Jose; Witte de With Centre for Contemporary Art, Rotterdam; Ars Electronica Center, Linz; Socrates Sculpture Park, NYC; Frederik Meijer Gardens & Sculpture Park, Grand Rapids (as part of ArtPrize 2014); Centro Internazionale per l'Arte Contemporanea, Rome; among others.
You can explore more of Osman’s work and projects through his website.
Jacob Bauman, Across The Rolling Hills, Linoleum Block Print and Watercolor
Jacob Bauman, Barn Collapse No. 2, Linoleum Block Print and Screenprint
Olive Cianciolo, Harding Avenue Piggies, Screen print, relief print on vellum, acrylic on canvas, ink, embroidery thread, and bandages on bristol board
Olive Cianciolo, Ouch!, Acrylic paint, relief print, ink, embroidery thread, bandages, cotton balls, gauze, and cloth tape on foamboard
Kayla Childress, Equality who, Acrylic on stretched canvas
Raushanah Davenport -Brown, Identity Theft, Digital
Lucinda Doetsch, Permaculture Forest, acrylic on stretched canvas
Sierra Fancher, In Love Again, Acrylic Paint, Old T-shirt, Tubing and Cardboard
Sierra Fancher, Eye Spy I, Acrylic Paint, Hockey Tape and Tubing on Cardboard
Madeline Gregor, Hydrangea Study 1, Watercolor on Paper
Sean Harris, Germs Out There, canvas and oil paint
Travis Howell, Hyper Jubilee, Digital Photography
Travis Howell, Space Invader Pectinia, Digital Photography
Abigail Mendez, A Hive is a Home, Steel
Kevin, Purify, Drawing No.2 Warhol Array, 2D media
Samson Shofoluwe, Your Pledge, Our Choice, Oil on Cardboard
Amy Skidmore, Don't Cry Over Me, Wood, Vinyl and Resin
Amy Skidmore, Teach to Inspire and Inspire to Create, Nickle, Copper, and Bronze
Hannah Thuemmel, Across Two Continents, Watercolor
Hannah Thuemmel, Contentment, Oil Pastel
Jacob Bauman, Barn Collapse No.1, Linoleum Block Print and Screenprint
Jacob Bauman, Barn Collapse No. 3, Watercolor and Micron Pen
Olive Cianciolo, Harding Avenue Piggies II, Screen print, relief print on vellum, acrylic on canvas, ink, thread, bandages, and glitter on cardboard
Kayla Childress, Bipolar ll, Acrylic on wood
Kayla Childress, Cut from the same cloth, Ceramic and Acrylic
Sarah Crabtree, Lie Down and Die With Me, Watercolor Painting
Sarah Crabtree, Sit and Die With Me, Watercolor Painting
Lucinda Doetsch, More, Acrylic and collage on canvas
Sierra Fancher, Eye Spy II, Acrylic Paint on Canvas
Sierra Fancher, my heart, my heart, my heart. your heart, your heart, your heart, Ceramic
Madeline Gregor, The Feather and the Wave, Ink on Thai Mulberry Paper
Madeline Gregor, Untitled 1, Ink and Watercolor on Paper
Rachel Hynds, Deer in Field, Oil on Canvas.
Abigail Mendez, Every Drop of Honey, Foam, Card Stock, Plaster, Wood, Resin
Abigail Mendez, Pimienta, Plaster
Samson Shofoluwe, Hair Day, Oil on Cardboard
Amy Skidmore, Mad Hatter's Tea Party, Copper, Bronze and Brass
Hannah Thuemmel, Satin, Charcoal on toned paper
Lacey Weaver, 193x148x80mm, Acrylic Paint on Canvas